Monday, March 15, 2010


I really can't believe it has been almost three years since I last posted. I thought about the blog quite a bit. In any event, I have a very important FO to announce . . .

the Bub. Amazingly, I don't have any pictures of him in anything hand-knit. I'll have to work on that while it is still sweater weather! There has been a little bit of knitting, but, because he just recently started napping for more than 20 minutes at a time, there hasn't been much. I've mostly been keeping up with what everyone else is knitting, and making a huge queue on Ravelry.

I am participating in the crocheted potholder swap on Ravelry, and am almost done with my third potholder. It looks like I might actually make the deadline, and I am so excited to see what potholders I receive. All of the pictures of finished potholders on the Ravelry group are amazingly beautiful!

Well, naptime is over, but I'll post pictures of my potholder progress soon!

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